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Continuing the relationship theme from last time is this song. I was not an Abba fan. That’s doesn’t mean I decry their music and indeed a couple of numbers I did enjoy and they had a massive following in the seventies and early eighties. This song, and the sentiments it expresses, was, and is, my favourite. I just like the fact that sometimes, the winner, is not known immediately, maybe not for years.

Relationships are tough. Sometimes, these days, I look at couples and think “why are you together”? You probably don't know who you are but there are a fair number of you. Then I look at people who have been together for years and I also think “how”? Then I realise that in nearly all my relationships people were no doubt thinking the same; the why and the how.

I know we are all different and all want different things from life and I now know what I need, or needed, was a soul mate not a partner. Someone I could share everything with and spend all my time in their company. Yes, that would stifle many but not me. I guess they would be millions out there who would once again say “why” and “how” but I can assure you I no longer care.

In the same way I used to worry what people thought of me when a relationship ended and this is what I meant at the beginning of this piece about the winner not being known for years. The most vocal of a partnership will paint the first picture in public. Only years later will the paint be scratched off and the real master, the real facts, appear to the world. My simple belief is that I have been better off, overall, when each relationship has ended.

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